Women speakers pay rich tribute to Syeda Zainab (AS) for her bravery & truthfulness

Syeda Zainab Conference Under Minhaj ul Quran Women Leauge

Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League organized the "Syeda Zainab (AS) Conference" at the Central Secretariat in Model Town. In this grand conference, female speakers highlighted the life and character of Syeda Zainab (AS), stating that she is a role model for contemporary women. She embodies piety, purity, steadfastness in truth, and the courage to confront falsehood.

In her address, Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League's central vice president, Sidra Karamat, said that the Battle of Karbala, with its philosophy and impact, is a unique event in human history that no religion, civilization, or history can parallel. She said the courage, speech, and steadfastness of Syeda Zainab (AS) even in captivity, represent the spirit of Zainabiyat, and the completion of Karbala is attributed to Syeda Zainab (AS). The daughter of Maula Ali (AS) exposed Yazid's brutality and carried out the mission of conveying Imam Hussain's (AS) message.

Renowned educationist Professor Arifa Tariq declared Syeda Zainab's (AS) great personality and pure character as a role model for today's mothers. Famous religious scholar Syeda Umme Farwa Zaidi, in her speech, said that Syeda Zainab (AS) is the magnificent character of the Battle of Karbala who set a great example for all women in every relationship and role.

Ayesha Shabbir, addressing the Syeda Zainab (AS) Conference, said that even today, the daughters of Minhaj-ul-Quran, as followers of Zainab's army, are raising the banner of truth. She emphasized that today's women should study the life of Syeda Zainab (AS).

Member of the Ittehad Bain-ul-Muslimeen, Sabahat Ramzan Sialvi, highlighted the great character of Syeda Zainab (AS), stating that in her character and conduct, she reflected Syeda Fatima (AS), in courage and bravery, she mirrored Maula Ali (PBUH), and in patience and acceptance, she resembled Imam Hussain (AS).

At the end of the Syeda Zainab (AS) Conference, Ayesha Mubashir thanked the participants and esteemed guests. She further said that in this turbulent era, they are grateful to Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri for providing the great platform of Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League, through which the message of Karbala is propagated and promoted.

The conference began with Hafiza Rabia Shafaq reciting the Holy Quran, Arsa Sajid praising Almighty Allah, and Qaria Sidra Anwar presenting tributes to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). After the closing remarks, Noorina Imtiaz presented salutations and tributes in honor of the Ahl al-Bayt, and Hafiza Sahar Amberin prayed for the safety and prosperity of the country at the conclusion of this grand conference.

Syeda Zainab Conference Under Minhaj ul Quran Women Leauge

Syeda Zainab Conference Under Minhaj ul Quran Women Leauge

Syeda Zainab Conference Under Minhaj ul Quran Women Leauge

Syeda Zainab Conference Under Minhaj ul Quran Women Leauge

Syeda Zainab Conference Under Minhaj ul Quran Women Leauge
