Mrs. Fizzah Hussain Qadri delivers a Lecture at the Muslim Women’s National Leadership Conference at the Victorian Parliament, Australia

miss fizzah qadri victoria parliment

Mrs. Fizzah Hussain Qadri delivered a lecture at the Muslim Women’s National Leadership Conference that took place at the Victorian Parliament, featuring Dr. Ghazala Qadri and Mrs. Fizzah Hussain Qadri as the esteemed chief guest.

The event saw the participation of many influential members of the Victorian community, including parliamentarians, commissioners, and distinguished women leaders. Among the notable attendees were Ellen Sandel (MP) and leaders of the Greens Party (Victoria), Bronwyn Halfpenny (MP), Luba Grigorovitch (MP), Lauren Callaway, Assistant Commissioner of Victoria Police, and Inspector Dagman Anderson of Victoria Police. Each of these inspirational women shared insights into their leadership journeys, contributing to the conference's dialogue.

Mrs. Fizzah Hussain Qadri addressed on the "Islamic Perspective Of Women Empowerment Through Education". She highlighted the pivotal contributions of women in Islamic history, showcasing figures such as Sayyida Khadija tul Kubra (RA), a pioneering businesswoman, and also shared the courageous legacy of Sayyida Zainab (SA), who stood against tyranny, and the scholarly achievements of Sayyida Ayesha Siddiqa (RA), a narrator of over 2000 hadiths and a beacon of Islamic jurisprudence and knowledge.

Mrs. Fizzah emphasized that these exemplary women illustrate the empowerment that Islam grants to women, enabling them to be leaders, scholars, and pillars of strength within their societies. She drew parallels between the Islamic model of empowerment and the Western model, noting that while both advocate for education, equal opportunities, and legal rights, the Islamic model uniquely preserves women's dignity and identity, providing a holistic solution for true empowerment.

Continuing this legacy, Mrs. Fizzah discussed the contemporary role of the Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League (MWL). Founded by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, MWL addresses various dimensions of women's lives, aiming to uplift and empower women spiritually, intellectually, and socially.

Mrs. Fizzah also highlighted MWL's international efforts, particularly in Western societies, where it facilitates integration and empowerment. By promoting civic engagement, cultural awareness, and dialogue, MWL encourages Muslim women to contribute positively to their local communities.

The conference concluded with informal interactions between the esteemed guests and speakers, fostering connections and exchanging ideas. A tour of the Parliament capped off the day.

miss fizzah qadri victoria parliment

miss fizzah qadri victoria parliment

miss fizzah qadri victoria parliment

miss fizzah qadri victoria parliment

miss fizzah qadri victoria parliment
