Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League, Pakistan, has launched its 40-day Muharram plan today. In an online session with the field office holders, Nazima MWL Sidra Karamat briefed the designates on the importance and effective tools for the implementation of this plan during the month of Muharram.
Director Dawah and Training department Ms. Sehar Ambreen explained the key areas of the plan which includes Sayyida Zaynab (S.A) Conferences, Zikr-e-Imam e Hussain (AS) Mahafils, Muharram circles and special Ibadah schedule for the people. This also encompasses a detailed executional plan for the officeholders. Ms. Sidra said that the main objective is to reinvigorate the spiritual blessings in this sacred month and to derive lessons from the great sacrifice of Karbala.