Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League (Lahore chapter) has launched the women specific Gosha-e-Durood’ on April 19, 2017. The opening ceremony was presided by Madr-e-Tehreek Mrs. Riffat Jabeen Qadri whereas Mrs. Fizza Hussain Qadri, Ms. Durrat-ul-Zahra were the special guests on the occasion. Central President MWL Ms. Farah Naz, Secretary General Ms. Afnan Baber and their teams, senior member, workers, officials and affiliates across the Lahore massively participated in the ceremony.
The ceremony started with recitation from the holy Quran. After this the members of Naat Coucil from Lahore had the honour to recite Naat sharif. Ms. Amina Batool, made inaugural remarks in which she welcomed all the participants for sparing time and attending this important event.
Central Secretary General Ms. Afnan Baber paid rich tributes to the ex- office holders of MWL. Mrs. Riffat Jabeen Qadri distributed the certificates among the former President Ms. Atia and others sisters who served in different capacities in the party. Ms. Ayesha Qadri, Ms. Zareen Latif, Ms. Zara Malik were among the receivers of certificates of appreciation. In addition to this, MWL awarded shield to the incumbent Lahore team.
Madr-e-Tehreek Ms. Riffat Jabeen Qadri addressed the participants on the occasion. She appreciated the efforts of the MWL office holders both past and present and encouraged them for their dedication, hard work and commitment. She shared some precious suggestions with respect to the training of workers. She also highlighted the importance of guidance, instructions and SOPs with respect to maintaining the discipline of Gosha-e-Durood.
After the mesmerizing speech of Mrs. Riffat Jabeen Qadri, her birthday cake was cut. At the end of programme, Gosha-e-Durood for women was inaugurated by the Madr-e-Tehreek. The ceremony concluded with special prayers by Mrs. Riffat Jabeen Qadri.