Women League and Minhaj Sisters League (The Hague) held a Moharram gathering to
commemorate the events of Karbala. The programme was held at the Minhaj ul Quran
center in The Hague and was attended by women of all ages.
The programme commenced with a Quran recitation by Mrs. Sajida Syed Shah followed by a welcome address by Shabana Sarshad Ali. Hamds, Nasheeds and Manqabats were then recited by various sisters.
‘Azmat-o-Falsafa-e-Shahadat Imam Hussain (AS)’, a lecture by Shaykh-ul-Islam, was shown to the audience in which he explained how the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS) had a lasting impact that delineated line between truth and falsehood. The Prophet’s (pbuh) saying ‘I am from Hussain and Hussain is from me’, was beautifully explained by Shaykh-ul-Islam in this lecture and it was heart-warming to see the audience listening attentively to the lecture as well.
Mrs. Shabana Sarshad Ali shared some words of wisdom with the audience after the lecture, including various Ahadeeth and life lessons for the audience to implement in their daily lives. Collective Durood-o-Salaam was then recited and the programme was concluded by a Dua. Food prepared by MWL was served afterwards.