An enlightening session was conducted with the Mutakif students of Minhaj College for Women. The discussion focused on two significant topics: “How the Decisions of Jannah and Jahannam Will Be Made on the Day of Judgment” and lessons from Ghazwa-e-Hunain and the life of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (RA).
The session emphasized that on the Day of Judgment, people will be divided into two groups: one destined for Jannah (Paradise) and the other for Jahannam (Hell). Every individual will be rewarded or punished according to their deeds. Those who neglected their responsibilities and committed sins will be cast into Jahannam, and it will be said to them: “This is the day you were warned about.” On the other hand, the righteous servants of Allah will enter Jannah, where there will be no sorrow or fear, only eternal happiness and mercy. Arrogance leads to destruction, both in this world and the Hereafter, as it is a trait of Shaitan (Satan).
Those who are prideful in the world will suffer great loss on the Day of Judgment, and their final abode will be Jahannam. True success lies in righteous deeds, as Allah Almighty has prepared unimaginable rewards for those who remain steadfast in their faith. A humble person is honored by Allah Almighty, whereas an arrogant one is humiliated. Every action in this world determines one’s fate in the Hereafter, so one must live with consciousness of accountability. The discussion stressed that truthfulness, honesty, and good character lead to Jannah, while falsehood, betrayal, and arrogance lead to Jahannam. Each individual will be held accountable for their deeds on the Day of Judgment, so one must strive for righteousness.
The session also covered the Battle of Hunain, which took place in 8 Hijri, after the conquest of Makkah, when the tribes of Hawazin and Thaqif waged war against Muslims. The Muslim army consisted of 12,000 soldiers, the largest in Islamic history at that time. Many Muslims felt confident in their large numbers, but the enemy’s surprise attack scattered them. A few steadfast companions, including Hazrat Abbas (RA) and Hazrat Ali (RA), stood firm. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) called the Muslims back, and by the help of Allah Almighty, they achieved victory. This battle taught a crucial lesson: success does not come from numbers or strength, but from faith and Allah Almighty's help. Initially, the Muslims suffered a setback, but when they placed their trust in Allah Almighty and His Messenger (PBUH), victory was granted to them. The key takeaway from Ghazwa-e-Hunain was that relying solely on worldly power leads to failure, while true success comes from stong faith and reliance on Allah Almighty.
The session concluded with an inspiring incident from the life of Sayyidina Ghaus-e-Azam (Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani RA). One day, while he was engaged in worship, Shaitan (Satan) appeared in a bright, glowing form and said: “O Abdul Qadir! Your devotion has pleased Allah Almighty. Now, you are exempt from prayer, fasting, and other obligations.” Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam (RA) immediately recognized the deception and firmly responded: “Get away, O accursed one! No one is exempt from Allah’s commands.” At this, Shaitan screamed in frustration, admitting: “O Abdul Qadir! Your piety saved you. I have deceived many worshippers in this way, but you have escaped my trap.” He (RA) replied: “This is only by the grace of Allah Almighty.” This incident highlighted the importance of steadfastness in faith and resisting deception, as Shaitan tries to mislead even the most devoted believers.
The session was highly insightful, reminding the Mutakif students of the importance of faith, humility, and righteousness in both this life and the Hereafter.