On the first day of #WomenItikaf2025, Dr. Ghazala Qadri, President of MWL International, delivered a soul-enriching lecture titled “Discover the Path to Divine Blessings.” Addressing the dedicated Mutakifaat, she emphasized the significance of spiritual transformation, self-purification, and complete submission to Allah Almighty.
Dr. Ghazala Qadri explained that the truly righteous are those who forgive and overlook the faults of others, as this quality brings a person closer to Allah Almighty. She highlighted that a real change within oneself opens the door to the Mustafavi revolution, allowing an individual to become a true agent of positive transformation. She reminded the audience that every righteous action should be performed solely for the pleasure of Allah Almighty, as sincerity is the key to attaining divine blessings.
She further emphasized that those who direct their focus towards Allah Almighty cannot be diverted by any worldly power, as steadfastness in faith makes a believer unshakable. She reassured the Mutakifaat that when a person sincerely runs towards Allah Almighty, His mercy holds them firm and protects them, but sincerity remains the essential condition. True devotion, she explained, is when one’s heart and mind are fully aligned towards seeking the closeness of Allah Almighty, as only then can one truly experience the depth of spirituality.
Dr. Ghazala Qadri also spoke about the special favor of Allah Almighty upon the righteous, stating that when divine mercy showers upon a person, the entire world aligns in their favor. She encouraged the attendees to lose themselves in the pursuit of their Lord, for when someone seeks Allah Almighty with sincerity, the world begins to seek them in return. She urged them to submit wholeheartedly, for bowing before Allah Almighty brings solutions to even the toughest challenges, and those who humble themselves in servitude to Allah Almighty find the entire creation bowing before them. She concluded by reminding everyone that true obedience to Allah Almighty and His Messenger ﷺ results in both outward and inward divine blessings, which illuminate a believer’s life.