Dr Ghazala Qadri addressed a Tarbiyah Nashist in Japan

dr ghazala qadri addresses tarbiati nashist in japan

A Tarbiyati Nashist was held following the inauguration of the Gunma Centre in Japan. The session was presided over by Dr. Ghazala Qadri, President of MWL International who was accompanied by Mrs. Safa Hammad Qadri. This gathering brought together devoted members of Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League (MWL) from various cities, including Kyoto, Osaka, and Gunma.

During the nashist, the establishment of MWL coordinators in three key cities—Nagoya, Gunma, and Osaka—was announced, marking a milestone in the expansion and strengthening of MWL's presence in Japan. These coordinators will play a crucial role in leading and organizing MWL activities within their respective regions, ensuring the effective implementation of MWL's mission and objectives.

In her address, Dr. Ghazala Qadri provided insightful naseeha (advice) on the importance of forming a strong tanzeem (organization) within MWL. She emphasized the need for unity, dedication, and strategic planning in order to achieve the goals of Dawah. She also offered practical suggestions on how to effectively carry out MWL's work, highlighting the importance of communication, collaboration, and the continuous development of personal and organizational skills. She encouraged the participants to remain steadfast in their commitment to the cause and to actively contribute to the growth and success of MWL in Japan.

dr ghazala qadri addresses tarbiati nashist in japan

dr ghazala qadri addresses tarbiati nashist in japan

dr ghazala qadri addresses tarbiati nashist in japan

dr ghazala qadri addresses tarbiati nashist in japan
