Australia: Dr Ghazala Qadri's Lecture at the al-Hidayah Camp 2024 | Day 2

Dr Tahir ul Qadri book on Yazid ke Kufr awr us par Laanat ka Masala?

On the second day of the Al-Hidayah Camp - Australia Chapter, Dr. Ghazala Qadri delivered an insightful lecture entitled "How Can We Protect Our Faith? The Important Role of Women." Her talk focused on the various factors that impact our spiritual growth and provided practical guidelines for women to attain proximity to Allah Almighty. The lecture was also attended by Mrs. Fizzah Hussain Qadri.

She began her lecture by identifying the factors of the materialistic world that adversely affect our spiritual growth. She emphasized that the allure of worldly possessions, social pressures, and the constant pursuit of material success can lead us away from our spiritual goals. These influences create distractions that can weaken our faith if not properly managed.

A critical point raised by Dr. Ghazala was the absence of a structured plan for achieving success in the hereafter. She noted that while people often meticulously plan their worldly lives, they neglect to give the same attention to their spiritual journeys. She urged the sisters to contemplate and design a roadmap that focuses on their ultimate success in the Akhira (hereafter), stressing the importance of balancing both worldly and spiritual aspirations.

She provided several practical steps that women can take to strengthen their faith and achieve closeness to Allah Almighty. Overall, the lecture was a significant highlight of the Al-Hidayah Camp, providing valuable insights and practical advice to the participants. Dr. Ghazala’s guidance will undoubtedly help many in their journey towards spiritual growth and proximity to Allah Almighty.

Dr Tahir ul Qadri book on Yazid ke Kufr awr us par Laanat ka Masala?

Dr Tahir ul Qadri book on Yazid ke Kufr awr us par Laanat ka Masala?

Dr Tahir ul Qadri book on Yazid ke Kufr awr us par Laanat ka Masala?

Dr Tahir ul Qadri book on Yazid ke Kufr awr us par Laanat ka Masala?

Dr Tahir ul Qadri book on Yazid ke Kufr awr us par Laanat ka Masala?

Dr Tahir ul Qadri book on Yazid ke Kufr awr us par Laanat ka Masala?

Dr Tahir ul Qadri book on Yazid ke Kufr awr us par Laanat ka Masala?

Dr Tahir ul Qadri book on Yazid ke Kufr awr us par Laanat ka Masala?
