Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League organizes Seerah Conference in Peshawar

A grand Seerah Conference was organized by MWL team Peshawar at Marriage Palace Hall, Peshawar city. This gathering was a remarkable display of love and reverence to our beloved Prophet (PBUH) and more than 4000 women attended this conference which is indeed a historic count.

President Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League Mrs. Farah Naz was invited as a keynote speaker who delivered a touching lecture on the Seerah of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and narrated the beautiful traits of Seerah from the books of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri.

Women from all walks of life attended the conference including media personnel, academics, literati and working ladies from different fields. It is unique in it's kind considering the restricted environment of Peshawar district.

The conference began with a beautiful Mehfil and the women who attended the conference spiritually immersed in the atmosphere of that Mehfil. Such retreats are a unique element of the Mahafils organized by Minhaj-ul-Quran and is a great effort to revive the spiritual disconnect with the Real.
