4th Day: MWL Organizational Training Camp 2018

Minhaj-ul-Quran Women League, in its 5-day long organizational training camp, arranged sessions covering all dimensions of the working in field. On 4th day in first session. Mrs Fizza Hussain Qadri gave lecture on the topic of “Necessity of piety and sanctity for MWL office bearers". In her talk, she described the working of the religion by giving the examples of he mothers of believers and the female companions.

Mrs Fizza Hussain Qadri speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp
Mrs Fizza Hussain Qadri speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp

In second session 4th Day of #MWLOrgnizationalTrainingCamp, Ms. Afnan Babar, Secretary General of Women League, conducted a detailed workshop on organizational set-up. In her brief descriptive lecture she elaborated on the vertical expansion of organizational network from the central executive body to unit coordinators. She emphasized the multi-dimensional working at the unit level. In her lecture, she defined the standard operating procedures of the office holders at all levels besides developing an urge for channelized working. She said that it is the obligatory duty of all office holders that they must delegate their authority and experience to their subordinates in order to strengthen the organizational setup.

Ms. Afnan Babar speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp
Ms. Afnan Babar speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp

In the 3rd session Naib Nazim-e-Ala Coordination Engr. Rafique Najam conducted a training workshop on organizational structuring. He briefed the importance of organizational structuring by giving the examples of the connected beads of paternoster.

NNA Coordination Engr. Rafique Najam speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp
NNA Coordination Engr. Rafique Najam speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp

MQI Supreme Council Chairman Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri was the guest speaker at the 4th training session. He spoke on the topic of:

Minhaj-ul-Quran International

In his session Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri said that God has sent his Prophets with blessings and miracles according to their eras. After the prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) Allah blessed him with the virtues of all Prophets. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) left us all with Quran and Sunnah and life patterns of his companions. He said Allah titled the Ummat of His prophet as the "خیر الامم " .

Dr Hassan cited different references from Qur'an and Sunnah and stated that MQI is the only reformatory organisation working on so many fronts in this world. He said that MQI has advocated its cause of peace, interfaith dialogue and harmony in every kind of circumstance. In this session Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri also introduced the training and Da'wah syllabus prepared by Minhaj- ul- Quran Women League.

Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp
Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp

4th Day of MWL Organizational Training Camp 2018

The last training session of the 4th day was on the topic of “Conflict Resolution” conducted by Dr Ghazala Hassan Qadri. In her lecture she elaborated the common conflicts exists in organizational setup. She not only described the psychological and social conflicts but also connected these with behavioral and moral conflicts. She gave solution by interacting with participants from different organizational chapters.

Minhaj ul Qur'an Women League, at the end of the 4th day of the camp, arranged a fabulous annual dinner for its office holders of District and PP chapters. Dr Ghazala Hassan Qadri meet personally more than 500 participants of the dinner. She also distributed Medals and certificates of best performance to the all team of MWL who performed various duties during camp.

MWL Organizational Training Camp 2018

Dr Ghazala Hassan Qadri speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp

Pictorial Highlights

MWL Organizational Training Camp 2018

MWL Organizational Training Camp 2018

MWL Organizational Training Camp 2018

Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp

Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp

Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp

Dr Ghazala Hassan Qadri addresses training session

Dr Ghazala Hassan Qadri speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp

Dr Ghazala Hassan Qadri speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp

Dr Ghazala Hassan Qadri speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp

Dr Ghazala Hassan Qadri speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp

Dr Ghazala Hassan Qadri speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp

Mrs. Fizza Hussain Qadri addresses training session

MWL Organizational Training Camp 2018

MWL Organizational Training Camp 2018

MWL Organizational Training Camp 2018

After her lecture Mrs Fizza Hussain Qadri personally met with the designates and listen to their problems effectively and with great care and gave solutions to their problems.

Ms. Afnan Babar addresses training session

MWL Organizational Training Camp 2018

Ms. Afnan Babar speaking on 4th day session of MWL training camp

MWL Organizational Training Camp 2018

MWL Organizational Training Camp 2018

MWL Organizational Training Camp 2018

MWL Organizational Training Camp 2018
