MWL takes part in a national conference on shaping narratives

At a national Conference, titled “Role of Dukhtaran-e-Pakistan in Reconciliation and Peace Building in Continuation with Paigham-e-Pakistan”, team MWL vowed that a peaceful dialogue in the light of Islamic education was mandatory for the elimination of terrorism/extremism from the society. It held that women can play a vital role in this connection.

Mrs. Farah Naz (President MWL), Ms. Afnan Babar (Secretary General MWL), Ms. Sana Waheed (Secretary General WOCE, MWL), Ms. Mamoona Nazeer (Research Scholar, FMRI) and Ms. Zainab Arshad (Secretary Information MWL) participated in the conference held on Feb at Allama Iqbal Auditorium of International Islamic University.

President MWL Mrs. Farah Naz chaired the inaugural session along with other heads of the different institutions and organizations. While expressing her views in the opening ceremony, Miss Afnaan Babar said that solution to the all issues we are discussing today is already explicitly narrated in Quran & Sunnah. The need is to implement those rules and regulations according to the constitution. She gave solution in 5 steps:

  • First of all, in society we need to create an urge of participation of women in all walks of life who are fully aware of their duties and rights because only women are the main source of constructing the complete panorama of social  and  ethical values.
  • Mutual sense of contribution is necessary in creating the complete welfare society.
  • The flaws of education system must be highlighted in order to remedy them under the constitutional amendments so that the educational institutions are able to ensure the availability of the quality education for all. The curriculum must be revised and ethical values of peace, tolerance, equality and acceptance amongst inter-religious and intra-religious proportions of society must be included from primary level.
  • An organized system of ideological training for women must be designed which not only produces master trainers but also develops a sense of reliability and security in social attire.
  • The state should ensure concrete planning that all constitutional rights must be safeguarded in order to regain and strengthen the lost position of Muslim women in society.

Miss Zainab Arshad, Secretary Information in round table discussion, emphasized that life and works of the mothers of believers and female companions must be propagated through literature so that women can learn how to balance their personal and social life. She said that Islamic Ideological Council must ensure the speedy implementation of resolutions so that workability of such conferences must be acknowledged on all stages.

Speaking on the occasion, Sana Waheed (Sec. General WOICE, MWL) said there was a lack of implementation of women rights in the society. She said that practical measures were needed for the safety of women and their meaningful role. While defending the topic “Role of women in protecting children from violence and extremism” she shared her expert opinions as psychologist and recommended that special parental counselling workshops should be organized in every nook and corner or Pakistan. A woman or family, as a conduit of culture and belief, can play a central role in shaping attitudes of children toward non-violence. She highlighted that in some cases mothers are the first to recognize the early signs of violence. They are not always equipped with the skills to address the political, psychological, sociological, and ideological issues.Meaningful training and awareness sessions can support them, she added.

Ms. Mamoona Nazeer (Research Scholar, FMRI), addressed the topic “Contribution of women in advancing national narrative through dialogue for peace”. She highlighted the need of women taking part in shaping the dialogue at the level of the family so that peaceful attitudes can be promoted. On the topic of “Domestic and social responsibility in light of Quran and Sunnah” Ms. Zainab (PRO MWL) said that there is no contradiction between domestic and social responsibility as both are intertwined. She urged women to be more cognizant of their responsibility towards creating a peaceful and harmonious society.

In thematic session Ms. Afnan Babar (Secretary General, MWL) addressed the topic “Right of women to participate in the development in an Islamic perspective.” She recommended that women should increase their understanding of Islamic teachings through extensive reading so that they are able to play their part in developing Islamic perspectives.

The conference recommendations were presented by the Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) Chairman Dr Qibla Ayaz. The participants maintained that the points would be sent to the legislative quarters and the communiqué adopted on the occasion would be part of the next edition of Paigham-e-Pakistan.
