With the Grace of Allah Almighty and the Waseela of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), the great event of I’tikaf 2007 began on the evening of the 19th Ramadan ul Mubarik, 2nd October 2007 at the Minhaj-ul-Qur’an Headquarters, Lahore, Pakistan. I’tikaf is a time where during the last ten days of Ramadan, all Muslims are encouraged to sit in seclusion and spend their time in the worship of Allah (SWT) and fulfill the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Alhamdulilah this is the world’s biggest I’tikaf gathering after the Holy places of Makkah and Madina. Thousands of brothers and sisters are here in the City of I’tikaf, far from their homes, only for the will of Allah and his Beloved Prophet (saw). They are also in the company of the great spiritual master, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Mohammad Tahir-ul-Qadri.
This annual I’tikaf is held in the city of Lahore, at the tomb of the spiritual guide of Minhaj ul Qur’an, Sayyidina Tahir Ala-ud-din Al-Qadri. There are two main portions of this I’tikaf, one for the brothers and the other for the sisters. The I’tikaf for the men is organized and handled by central body of Minhaj ul Qur’an and the sister’s I’tikaf camp is organized by the Minhaj- ul-Qur’an Women League Pakistan.
This year thousands of women are here at the I’tikaf camp from all over Pakistan as well as the rest of the world, breaking all previous attendance records. Minhaj-ul-Qur’an Women League Sisters from all over Pakistan have been working tirelessly throughout the year to motivate women to attend, holding campaigns, programmes. The results of their endeavors has been truly magnificent with thousands of women coming from the far and near regions of Pakistan. Moreover all of the Central Team has also worked hard to ensure the arrangements are successful. Mash’aAllah by the Blessing of Allah (SWT) all the arrangements were completed two days before I’tikaf started.
- Khadijah Hall
- Ayesha Hall
- Fatima Hall
- Zainab Hall
- Rabia Hall
Schedule of Women I’tikaf Camp 2007
- Waking and Tahajjud………3.00 to 3.45am
- Sehri………………………..3.45 to 4.15am
- Mehfil………………………4.15 to 5.30am
- Rest…………………………6.00 to 8.30am
- Waking, Salaat us Tasbeeh, chaasht prayer….8.30 to 10.00am
- Collective lectures/ corner meetings…………10.00 to 11.30am
- Training Halaqa jaat………………………….11.30 to 1.00pm
- Zohar prayer………………………………….1.00 to 1.30pm
- Rest…………………………………………..1.30 to 3.30 pm
- Individual meetings…………………………..3.30 to 5.00pm
- Individual Wazaif…………………………….5.00 to 6.00pm
- Maghrib, Iftaar………………………………..6.30 to 7.30pm
- Ishaa prayer, taraveeh, Mehfil……………….7.30 to 9.30pm
- Lecture Huzoor Sheikh ul Islam……………9.30 to 11.00pm
- Rest…………………………………………..11.00 to 3.00am
Thousands of sisters descended upon the I’tikaf Camp in the early hours of the morning on the 2nd October, with the first part of the day spent on registration and accommodation. After settling in the mutakifeen performed the prayer of I’tikaf along with the starting Du’a and Intetion for the I’tikaf and implemented all the conditions of I’tikaf required upon them. The sisters then received their meal and opened their fasts and were served by the sisters in charge of administration. After Iftar, the sisters offered their Maghrib prayers and did some Wazaif. Later at 7.30pm, all the sisters collected in the main tent and read collective Isha and Taraweeh prayers.
After Ishaa and taraweeh prayers, a very beautiful Mehfil e Naat and Dhikr was conducted by sisters from Minhaj-ul-Qur’an Women League Jehlum. It was indeed a very beautiful scene where thousands of women pray collectively and then pay their salutations on the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Then at 10.00pm, the first briefing and lecture of Shaykh ul Islam was transmitted live from Male I’tikaf area through Internet and cable systems. Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Mohammad Tahir ul Qadri advised all the attendants of I’tikaf on the manners and etiquettes of sitting in seclusion and in particular pointed out the following requirements to be fulfilled:
- Less to eat
- Less to sleep
- Less to talk
- More to pay salutations on Prophet PBUH.
- More to recite holy Qur’an
- Many more other things related to overcome bad things in personality
- Permission for Special Wazaif and to be read extensively
All sisters then retired to bed ready to start the first official day of I’tikaf.
By Rabia Urooj