Islam is a complete religion which has taught mankind a complete code of conduct. There are two authentic sources of “Guidance”, Qur’an & Sunnah. There is no doubt that the Qur’an is the key to success and the secret for achievements in any field of everyday life and in the life hereafter. When we take a glance at our past, we come to know that Muslims ruled over for a very marvelous period when they were holding on to the Qur’anic teachings tightly. But as we left it, our downfall started. Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Abbass, One of the most famous Companion of Holy Prophet (pbuh) says;
“Whenever even my shoelace is lost, I used to open Qur’an and start finding it from Qur’an.
Unfortunately, when we disconnected ourselves from the Qur’an and started wandering aimlessly in our thoughts, ideals and practices we left out true path.
Minhaj ul Qur’an women league is working tirelessly to bridge this abyss through the promotion of real Islamic values. One of its great contributions is spreading a network of Qur’anic circles, which are commonly known as “Halaqa Irfan ul Qur’an”. This takes multi-dimensional planning, with proper and effective teams, creating confidence in the workers to gain success and provide a great spiritual support. These are the distinctive factors of Minhaj ul Qur’an women league. The Irfan ul Qur’an course is one of many run by them. This is a special secondary Course designed for those sisters who qualify this criteria;
*Bachelors Degree
*Some Typical Islamic research courses.
This year, Irfan ul Qur’an Course was held from 17th july,2007 to 26th july 2007 at central Minhaj college for Women Lahore. More details of this outstanding course are as follows;
Head………Mrs. Rafia Ali (among WL seniors, member Co-ordination Council)
Co-Head……Mrs. Fatima Mash’hadi (among WL seniors, member Co-ordination Council)
Secretary……Miss Razia Shaheen (Director of Central Da’wah Directorate MWL)
Administrative Matters:
Incahrge………Miss Razia Shaheen
Co-Incharge….Rozina Shaheen
Training Matters:
Incharge…….Miss Fozia Shaukat (Director of Central Training Directorate MWL)
Co-Incharge….Miss Shazia Shaheen (Co-Director of Central Training Directorate MWL)
Mess Matters:
Incharge….Miss Asma Manzoor (Warden central MCW, lecturer MCW)
Having focused on the needs of society, MWL worked specially for the literature and syllabus of the camp. Surah Al-Imraan and Surah Al-Nisa were been refreshed along with their grammar & Pronunciation. Hadith & history of Hadith and narration of Hadith were also an important part of camp.
Schedule during the camp was as follows;
![]() LECTURES:There were selected topics and syllabus designed for this camp. Qur’anic Surah Al-Imraan, Surah Al-Noor and Surah Al-Nisa were taught under the heading of Qur’anic Classes. There was a great effort done by the teachers to develop basic skills and to “ENHANCE” the skills of Tajveed (art to read Qur’an), Grammar of Qur’an and the skill of how to translate the Qur’an and how to elaborate the Qur’anic meanings. Fiqha was also a specific topic which was discussed. Lectures on HADITH-e-NABWI (saw) were also delivered. Practice classes were also the part of camp schedule. LECTURERS:Alhamdulilah, an excellency and highly qualified faculty was engaged for whole camp. A highly skilled faculty staff for the camps organized by Women league is the leading factor for their success. Qualified teachers from Jamia Al-Azhar University and Minhaj International University, Lecturers of Minhaj College of Sharia and teachers of COSIS (college of sharia and Islamic studies) were part of the faculty for this camp. Mr. Saeed Raza Baghdadi gave special lectures on Tajveed. Mumtaaz ul Hassan shb gave effective lectures on “FIQAH”. Mr. Zahoor-ullah Azhar was a teacher having command on “PRINCIPLES OF TRADITIONS (Hadith)”. Mrs. Fatima Mash’hadi was the teacher of Tafseer (elaboration of Qur’an) and Mrs. Rafia Ali was the special lecturer of “HADITH” classes. Many more miscellaneous lectures were delivered by Leading personalities of Minhaj ul Qur’an International including Nazim-e-A’ala Dr. Rahiq Ahmad Abbassi, Respected Ameer-e-Tehreek Miskeen Faiz ur Rehman Durrani, Dr. Tahir Hameed Tanoli, Nazima Women league Mrs. Farah Naz and many other ones. Practice classes were conducted by Central nazima Da’wah Ms. Razia Shaheen. Relevant lectures of Huzoor Sheikh ul Islam Dr. Mohammad Tahir ul Qadri were the most effective part of daily routine, which have a great effect on students mind. ![]() MEHFIL-e-NAAT:On 21st of July 2007, a very beautiful mehfil was arranged for camp attendants. Mash’ Allah, there were excellent nasheed artisits from among the students. The Naat council from Aziz Bhatti Town Lahore, Naat council from Jehlum, Naat council Faisalabad were all these sisters who conducted this spiritual mehfil by their great love and emotions for Holy Prophet(saw). The great love for Huzoor (saw) is the pivot of our lives. The Mehfil became more beautiful and much spiritual when Huzoor Sheikh ul Islam made Du’a in this mehfil telephonically live from Canada. May God bless our Quaid. THE EXAMINATION:Special examination tests were taken on 25th of July morning. After practical tests presentations on frequently read verses were also taken to check speaking power and confidence of the MUALLIAAT (teachers of Halaqa Irfan ul Qur’an). VISIT AND FINAL CEREMONY:After examination, a visit of central secretariat Minhaj ul Qur’an was arranged. After that visit a final ceremony of Irfan ul Qur’an workshop was held in the conference hall, central secretariats. The Ceremony was presided by Ameer e Tehreek Miskeen Faiz ur Rehman Durrani. Mrs. Samar Fatima (head of Islamic studies department Punjab University) was the chief guest while Nazim e A’ala Dr. Rahiq Ahmad Abbassi and Naib Nazim e A’ala Sheikh Zahid Fayyaz were the guests of Honour. Ms. Alia Sadeer (advocate high court) and directors of all directorates of Minhaj ul Qur’an were specially invited there. The Ceremony was initiated by recitation of verses from the Holy Qur’an and Salaat on Beloved prophet (pbuh). Introductory words were said by Mrs. Rafia Ali (head of the camp) and she told the schedule and results of this marvelous camp. Results were announced and students who got outstanding marks. Certificates were distributed and prizes among administrative team who served the sisters continuously for days and nights for the seven days. Mrs. Samara Fatima came on dice and appreciated women league for their efforts. Nazim-e-A’ala sahib also appreciated all the sisters and reminded the massage of Huzoor Sheikh ul Islam, “Muslim Ummah needs the dose of Qur’an, needs the relation with Qur’an and Holy Prophet (saw) and we have to make strong efforts to re-build this relation”. Mrs. Farah Naz, in her very special and motivated style gave the audience more thrill and enthusiasm. At the end Ameer-e-Tehreek shb congratulated all sisters in his very kind and affectionate style and made Du’a for all. May God Almighty make us more beneficial for his everlasting religion Islam, and may our lives be used for promotion of love for Qur’an and Sahib e Qur’an (pbuh). Ameen Baja hay Sayyad il Mursaleen (sallala ho alaihay wassalam). Reported by: Rabia Urooj. |