MYLUK-S launches food-bank in Bradford

In January, MYLUK–S held a Mawlid-un-Nabi (peace be upon him) event titled “Celebrating the Beloved 2014” in Bradford in which the faithful celebrated the birth of the greatest blessing of Almighty Allah to the worlds, the birthday of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Amongst many of the beautiful Prophetic acts one is the instruction to feed the poor; so what greater way to instill the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the guests other than following this great Prophetic tradition?

It was for this reason that the food-bank initiative was launched in which guests generously donated food which would be taken to a local food-bank and distributed to those in need.MYLUK–S went to the food bank and introduced the members as a local group who were known throughout the community. We provided the team at The Trussell Trust with a comprehensive introduction to MYLUK-S, stating that one of the main objectives of MYLUK-S is to actively engage in welfare initiatives in society which is why the food bank initiative had been launched.We were warmly welcomed by the The Trussell Trust and they were extremely pleased to hear about the preserving work being carried out by MYLUK-S. After speaking with the management committee, Sister Misbah Wahid expressed her gratitude and stated that we looked forward to working with the Trussell Trust in the future and hoped to establish long-lasting ties with them.

It was a pleasant day and the staff was extremely happy; we hope that we may continue with this selfless and noble initiative and that other areas also adopt similar initiative as it is following the Sunnah of our Beloved Prophet (peace be upon him). MYLUK–S had an extremely positive response from all forums of MQI Bradford as well as other cities and areas, and we were congratulated for launching this much needed project. We hope that through this initiative we can increase the recognition of Islam as being a religion for all humanity and not just Muslims. We would like to thank our teacher, Shaykh ul Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri, as it is through his teachings that we are carrying out such work and making a difference in our local community.

Reported by Misbah Wahid, Local Coordinator Bradford
